Friday, October 16, 2009


Today is "blah."

I couldn't sleep last night; around midnight, after finishing my book -- which was the only reason I had managed to stay up as long as I had since I was dreadfully tired -- I had the realization that the end of October is near. I'm one of those people who hates when time seems to fly by so quickly I feel unaccomplished, so I started thinking of the goals I had set for this year. Namely, I had wanted to complete the 2nd and 3rd drafts of IE. I figured I would aim for 10/31 (so I could concentrate fully on NaNo in November) and whatever I didn't manage to get finished I could finish up by 12/31. This is exactly what happened last year during the first draft. I started in April and wanted to finish by 10/31. I didn't, but from 12/1 to 12/31 I did finish. I really didn't think I would be only 6 chapters into the 2nd draft at this point in this year. Blah.

So, the point is: up all night. Extremely tired. I get VERY cranky when I'm tired. I think I'm low on iron, which would explain the excessive tiredness for the past few weeks. Blech.

Anyhow, shopping went well today -- bought 3 pairs of pants and a pair of boots. This is a HUUUUUGE deal for me, as I wear a large size pants in tall, and when I can find the width/style that fits, I inevitably can't find them tall enough. I feel like I'm fighting floods all year. And, I wear a size 13W shoe, which makes it impossible to find comfortable shoes. Thus, I wear sandals most of the year. It sucks when it snows. But today, I managed to find not one, not even two, but THREE pairs of boots in my size!!! I bought the black ones because they made my feet look the smallest, and called it a day. Very exciting. Very exhausting.

Now I'm home. Psych isn't on (sad face), I can't seem to concentrate on endochondral ossification so save my life, I'm extremely anxious about my failure to finish IE, and all I want to do is go to sleep but I have midterms next week. Double blah.

It's gonna be one of those weekends, I think....

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