Friday, June 26, 2009


I hate this economy. I've been unemployed for over 10 months now, my husband for almost a full year. Luckily the rest of the nation is so poor the government keeps extending our unemployment checks, but that just means it's even harder to find a job.

Especially around a full-time student's schedule. But I've been in school for SO long, and I've taken so many semesters off due to having to work extra hours, that I just CAN'T not graduate in May 2010. I'm already pissed that it's that far out instead of August like I was supposed to be :(

So, what to do? I'm applying for any part-time job or full-time w/ flexible hours I can find, and not hearing back at all. I'm posting ads for tutoring and office help, but not getting any takers.

Summer is supposed to be a fun time of cooking out and laying by the pool. We were going to buy a patio set and a trampoline, and a swingset for the kids. But instead, we can't get any of that stuff and the pool is too expensive. This summer sucks.

Here's to hoping things begin to look up!

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