I'm reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, by "Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith"... and it's very interesting. What's funny is, I have never actually made it through P&P all the way. Yet I seem to be more inclined to finish when zombies are involved. Weird, huh?
So this got me thinking. Maybe I could be on the NYT bestseller list just by revamping a classic (and if you use vampires instead of zombies, it's a true revamping!). Would you read:
Of Mice and Minions
War and Peace and Giant Killer Bees
Romeo and Juliet and Dracula
The Call of the Wild Werewolf
A Tale of Two Cities Ravaged by Bloodthirsty Beasts
Little Women and Warlocs
The Great Gatsby's Ghost
1984 Empty Graves
A Farewall to Arms... and Legs, and Heads...
Schindler's List of Abominations
To Kill a Mockingbird and Make Sure It Stays Dead
I would ☺
But seriously, I'm sensing a handful of short stories here... and that's not including the one about werefrogs in space!
Those are my thoughts for the moment. Someone should really get on these revisions. Maybe we'd get more high schoolers reading if the titles were along the lines of The Prince and the Pauper and the Witches Who Loved Them.