Thursday, August 7, 2008


Hubby comes back tomorrow!!

Even though I *am* enjoying the relaxation of coming home to just my cat and dog (see Emilio [Estevez] and Chesney, below),

I'm pretty psyched to see him. But (ugg) I have to pick him up at the airport after work. I'm a pretty anxious driver, and I don't like the crowds or whirly-twirly quick lane changes of the airport. And I hate parking garages. So, yeah... That part won't be fun. But, he's coming home! And... he bought me ink pens!! Pretty exciting, I know. It's hard to contain myself.

In all seriousness, though, I big, fat ink pens. They're easier on my carpal tunnel. I tried to take a picture to show you, but my phone is stupid and kept saying the picture failed. I'll show you another time so you can see how big of a nerd I am.
In other news... I wrote 2,075 words today. Woohoo!!!!! It was another stressful day at work so I'm glad I got that much done.

Speaking of work, I have to get a part time job. This should be fun. Everything that's decent isn't part time, and everything that's part time... sucks. We'll see how that works out.
Check out this website I found earlier (thanks to the awesome people at CC). It's a pretty fun. I got a 53 on my first try!

Oh, hey, my pizza's here! Mmm... whole wheat crust with pepperoni and spicy sausage. Yummy!! I'm off to eat.
Thanks for stopping by!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Six Days into August and I'm Stressed Already

The title says it all.

I have this nifty Excel spreadsheet where I input the # of words I write and all the revisions I make, etc. every day. Last month, I hit record numbers on everything. This month? My poor little spreadsheet is bare.

Today I've managed to get 1,246 words written though. It's better than nothing, but I have to do more than that to get back on track to meet my goal of 15K words this month.

My non-writer friends don't understand this compulsion to meet a writing goal -- so I'm extremely grateful for my writer/author friends (because who knows what you're supposed to call them?) who completely understand me!

On the non-writing front, I'm going down to part-time at work when school starts so I can get my senior year finished and graduate next summer!! I'm really anxious about affording to, you know, LIVE this semester while I'm working less, but I'm just happy people are supportive and willing to help out. I'm so scared of the workload this semester, and I hope my writing doesn't suffer because of it! (OK, I know I said this was the non-writing front, but it's a big part of who I am so pretty much everything just ties back into it.)

Oh, and Hubby's out of town for the week, so I'm living it up, Single Style. It's pretty nice -- I could get used to this! Shhh, don't tell him though *wink wink*

Maybe I'd have a higher word count if I stopped playing on blogspot and actually started typing.... I'm off to give that new thought a try for a while.

Friday, August 1, 2008

My First Blog/August Goals

That's right, ladies and gents...

I'm a blog virgin.

What can I say? It's just never felt... right ☺

But, it's the first day of August (where has the time gone?) and I'm pleasantly surprised with my writing accomplishments for July. Plus, my senior year (FINALLY!) at IUPUI starts in 20 days. So, I figured I might as well join my fellow writers, students, and everyone else out there who blogs... What the heck, right?!

For my First Blog, I figured I'd lay my goals for August out on the table for all to see. Feel free to kick my butt to keep me in line with them, too!

Writing Goals:
  • Write at least 15K on Isaac's Eyes (see WIPs for more info).
  • Write at least 2 completely new short stories this month.
  • Get off my bum and revise/edit my current completed shorts and search for somewhere to market them!

Other Goals:

  • I don't think I can get too far behind in my classes since they don't start til the 20th -- but even so, I would like to start strong.
  • Make it to the gym. That's it. I won't quantify it, because I never go as often as I'd like.

That's it! In a nutshell, there's my August. Work, school, and writing. I can't believe it's fall already and I'm not looking forward to Indiana autumn weather -- hot, humid, and all around gross. Yuck. But, what can I do besides keep working hard and waiting til the day I can apply to the University of Florida for graduate school?

It's time for the 5pm commute home. Peace out ☻